Sleeping in an Igloo!
It’s one of those weird things I’ve always wanted to try, so when my family wanted to know what to get me for my birthday I sent them a link to the Igludorf.com website. The response was mixed… “Omg, it’s like extreme SAS survival training!”, and “But how do you sleep when its actually freezing cold?” and from my dad; ”Make sure Tony doesn’t stick to the ice toilet!”
We ended up being lucky enough to get squeezed in to a Friday night reservation because it books up pretty fast. It was a glorious bus ride up towards the ski resort village of Kuhtai in Austria, and I was SO EXCITED when it changed from rain in Innsbruck to heavier and heavier snow as we drove higher. By the time we arrived it was almost a blizzard! These snow-flakes were the biggest I’ve ever seen, like Australian 20 cent pieces and so incredibly fluffy! The hardest part was actually finding the Igloo Village, because looking for white domes made of snow in heavy white snowfall was a bit tricky…

But find it we did, and it was adorable! A huge central igloo held the bar, with another one built onto the side of that one and a ring of smaller igloos opposite. They were actually joined together instead of completely freestanding, each about four meters tall with proper wooden doors.
After taking a few photos we gathered in the bar igloo for a welcome drink with around 22 other people. Mmmm! Hot Glu Wein, which we enjoyed sitting in a icy throne carved into the shape of a polar bear. It was cold inside but not painfully so because we were wearing so many layers. The bar was a huge slab of ice imported from Belgium, and big urns were hooked up to heat the drinks. We sat on little benches on top of sheep skin rugs and admired the soaring ceiling and the rather slippery ice floor.

It wasn’t until the welcome talk began that we realized something….We were the only non Austrian or German people there, and the only ones who didn’t speak German! There followed 30 minutes of nodding and smiling at Danni, the very energetic host, who haltingly assured us we would get the English version when her Dutch partner arrived. All the native speakers trooped outside to view the igloos which all had different designs carved into them while we got an abbreviated version from one of the ice sculptors.
It turns out, these aren’t the traditional igloo construction, these guys worked with technology to get things moving a lot faster and safer. Step one was to inflate a huge 8 meter wide balloon, then they used huge snow-blowing machines to dump snow over the top. They used snow guns from the nearby ski resort and the endless hydroelectric dam water to create as much snow as they needed. After 5 hours of moving snow on top of the balloon they would leave it to settle down and freeze for a day before they deflated the balloon. Then they used massive chainsaws to cut to entry tunnels and doorways – in most places the walls were 2 to 3 meters thick. Then they repeated the process using smaller balloons for the sleeping igloos!
Three ice artists carved the sculptures in the main igloo bar and the sleeping igloos and they installed lights (and usb phone charging sockets, how 2019!). For the beds they used a wooden frame and filled it with snow, waited until it was set then took away the frame and tidied it up before adding a foam insulating layer, a mattress and then the sheep skin rugs and sleeping bags.

However… you do NOT have to pee on an ice toilet! As mentioned before that could cause some sticky situations, so they provided a heated toilet block just ten meters away. There was also a sauna in a little shipping container, and we were advised that If we did get too cold in the night to get in the sauna… or go and dance in the toilet block, which would be kept at a balmy 20 degrees!
Tony was most excited about dinner. Served in the igloo bar, about a kilo of bubbling cheese was delivered to our table with a massive bowl of chopped bread to dip in it. And dip we did… many many times! I don’t think I’ve ever eaten so much cheese in my life. It was delicious, all warm and gooey and mixed with wine and garlic and tasted amazing.

After dinner we got to do something I’ve always wanted to try… Snow-shoeing! Despite the heavy snow still falling we strapped on big flappy snow-shoes and set off up a hill. You have to walk with your legs a bit wider than normal so you don’t trip yourself up (Tony, being uncoordinated at the best of times, fell all over the place). You can go up very steep hills, which we did in a long row like ducklings, as the guides lectured us about ancient trees and local history… in German. It was so much fun, and we got to trek though the deepest, softest, whitest snow I’ve ever seen!

Dessert after our snow trekking was pieces of brownies with cream and nuts, and we sat in the bar trying to chat to our new friends and drinking hot wine.
I convinced Tony to come on a walk around midnight because it was still snowing so much. We made snow angels and rolled down hills into piles of fluffy snow. I just stopped him from rolling down the steepest hill of all which (we discovered the next morning) went straight down into a snow covered river!
Last thing before bed Tony stripped off (you knew it was coming) and ran off to the sauna.

On our block of snow bed, we’d been provided with two minus 18-degree sleeping bags which had been zipped together and a double sleeping bag liner. Just before we got in we were advised to put on clean dry socks (very important advice!) and we snuggled up together in our thermals and beanies.

And… I slept really really well! Our combined body heat kept us toasty warm, not even my nose sticking out of the sleeping bag was cold. It was the best night’s sleep we’d had all week.
Breakfast was served in a nearby hotel, a buffet table full of food… we ate everything except the cheese 😉
It was an amazing experience, so many thanks to my family for the gift, it’s something I will never forget. To anyone who was wondering if they could survive such an experience… DO IT!
Lots of love, Roo x x x
TONY’S NOTE: Only one thing bothered me about this whole ordeal. The sadistic guides fed us our bodyweights in cheese, then put us into small, sealed igloos for the night… Man, I pity the guy who came to wake us up in the morning – you could cut the air in there with a knife! A cheese knife…

21 thoughts on “Sleeping like an Eskimo!”
That sounds like so much fun! But Tony cheated…he kept his boots on when he went to the sauna.
Only just to run down to it in the snow or his poor little toes would be too cold to sleep in the sleeping bag over night! 🙂
Love it! Just LOVE it! ❤️💕
Thanks so much Bob!
Looks an amazing place and Tony wouldn’t be Tony if he couldn’t get his kit off.Take care both of you. Sue x
That’s a very good point Sue…. 🙂 Thanks for reading our blog, Roo x x x
Thank you for sharing another chapter! We love following your adventures, something many of us would like to do, but not feasible. Bless you crazy kids!
HI Carol, thanks so much for reading our blog. Its much safer for you to follow along via the internet, travelling with Tony in person can be quite hazardous at times! Roo x x x
Sounds fantastic! And what a lovely baby picture of Tony naked on a rug!!
Omg now you’ve said it I can’t picture it any other way, it’s DEFINITELY a baby picture!!!! 🙂 Thanks Georgia!
:0 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 He’s a character all-right Georgia!
Oh wow, that looks like an awesome experience! So beautiful there, that clean fluffy snow! And Tony doing his thing with the kit-off sauna experience … and why not?! 🙂 Thanks for sharing the video, too! 🙂
Hi Colleen, I’m so glad you liked the video and blog! 🙂 You know Tony, always doing the oddest things…Thanks for reading, Roo x x x
I’m so glad you had an amazing time!
Hey Twinnie, it was something really special, thanks you all so much! Love and miss you guys x x x Krista
How wonderful and sounds like a wonderful time—what a fantastic birthday present Roo—I think you would have been a prettier picture in the nude than Tony—it would be cute to put his baby picture next to his new naked on a bear skin picture—keep truckin you guys
Susan, Great idea about printing out the 2 photos together! 🙂 I was not going to get fully undressed in that igloo, it was just too cold for this Aussie. Although according to the hosts we were the first Aussies who managed to sleep the whole night without giving up!
How fun for you! I know how much you adore the snow. Those igloos are ‘pretty’. Not my cup of tea, spent too much time sleeping out in the elements when I used to hunt. Oh…Tony! You just had to go butt naked didn’t you….
Technically that is not a blizzard, just a good ole snow storm,Roo. I imagine for you it is a blizzard though. Thanks for sharing your adventure.
She loved it… and I loved the chance to get naked. I mean, you know me! How could I resist! Even with the distinct threat of frostbite in the air… there are parts that I REALLY didn’t want to drop off 😉
Hi, I just discovered your fun blog about your adventures. I’d always wondered what it would be like to sleep in an igloo. But endless cheese and being locked in sounds a bit scary. I enjoyed reading your experience and seeing the photos. That bar is amazing. Quite a trip. Oh and the photo at the end was a nice bonus. Bwaa haa haa!
Thanks Michele, glad you enjoyed it! We’re always getting up to daft things, so there’s plenty more to come 😉