March 8, 2019September 22, 2019Adventure, Comedy, Extreme, Roo's Blogs, Travel Sleeping like an Eskimo! Sleeping in an Igloo! It’s one of those weird things I’ve always wanted to try, so when my family wanted to know […] Share this:Tweet
February 15, 2019September 22, 2019Adventure, Travel On the Road Again! G’day Adventurers… Roo here! It’s my turn to take over the blog because Tony is busy writing! It’s been a very busy […] Share this:Tweet
October 16, 2017November 11, 2017Adventure, Roo's Blogs, Travel, UK, Uncategorized Drifting – Part One Four adults on a relaxing, 4-night canal boat cruise. What could possibly go wrong? Unfortunately, when three of the adults are Slaters, […] Share this:Tweet