Welcome back blog readers, and apologies for the incredibly long wait between posts! Sometimes real life gets in the way of travel and blogging and stuff, so we will ease back into it with a short one 🙂
Tony has been furiously working on his fifth book for the last few months – in fact, he started this book at the same time as the fourth one, but soon realized that six months in Asia AND a wedding were simply too much for one book to handle! (To be honest, it’s still a bit too long at just over 150,000 words – but we did have some pretty crazy adventures in those six months!)
Some of you may have seen the sneaky-leaks about the title of book five, but in case you haven’t, here it is:
Yes, I know this is a weird title for a book, but let’s be honest – most of the content is a little crazy too. My advice: expect the unexpected!

Tony is a perfectionist, so unfortunately his books can take a lot longer to be completed. For example, he has been known to stare at a sentence for hours on end, and change just one little word… only to change it back hours later! (Yes, this is frustrating… so I am withholding wine and bacon in these situations 🙂 )
However, I feel like it pays off sometimes – like in this brilliant turn of phrase he uses while we are in China:
Six months of travel has been hard to fit into one book, but Tony has selected the weirdest and most amusing adventures to include. Now, to whet your appetite, I will share some photos of our time in Asia – and leave you with the promise that the book will be available by the 15th of May 2016!
(It better be, or I will be having stern words with Mr Slater 😆 )

We have also started up a professional Instragram account at @AdventureWithoutEnd and we have a personal one each @TonyJamesSlater and @Kristaroo85 which we will update regularly with photos of our adventures.

Also, recently Tony received his 800th review on Amazon.com, which is absolutely amazing, and humbling, and we thank you all from the bottom of our hearts for your support.
Until next time!
x x xx 😉
14 thoughts on “Book Five Progress Update”
I was wondering about you two! I can hardly wait to buy the next book. At 81, my adventures are a lot tamer thatn yours so I take greatdelight in following you all!
Hooray! Hope you enjoyed the book, Betty! 🙂
I am so excited for this next book! I have recently been reading about Genghis Khan and his descendants, so I am very happy (and a little surprised) that Tony made it out of Mongolia alive. What are your plans for a the US visit? I was hoping to host the two of you in Southern California, but will be moving to New Hampshire in about a year. I would be happy to host you guys there, too, but will be staying at my mom’s until we buy a house. Actually that could be fun…she lives on a horse farm (normal size horses).
Hi Lily! We’re going to do the US trip this year… in about three weeks! Blog post all about it to follow… Watch this space! 🙂
Is the book available for pre-order?
Hi Laurie! Sorry for the late reply! Hope you managed to get hold of the book! 🙂
Thanks for the photos. Not sure those “stairs” should be called anything other than seriously steep steps! I do enjoy how intrepid you both are. I know the book will be great fun.
Oh yes! ‘Steep’ is exactly the word!
The pictures are incredible–can’t wait for the book
Glad you liked ’em! Roo is getting pretty good with her new camera, eh!
Yay!! You’re back.
Indeed! 🙂
Just finished “Shaving” and thoroughly enjoyed it! Would read about a country and then go look at your pictures! I live vicariously through your travels and glad Roo keeps an eye on you! Great fun and makes my day!
Cheers Becky! I’ll be adding more photos as soon as I get chance – and maybe even a couple of short videos… BE AFRAID!!! 🙂