It’s okay! I’m safe. Rumours of my demise have been greatly exaggerated. Rumours of another kind, however, are completely and utterly true:
My book, ‘THAT BEAR ATE ME PANTS!’ – is now FREE!
For the next couple of days, at least (February 15th & 16th).
So, if you’ve ever been even remotely tempted – but perhaps put off by the fact that the other is obviously an idiot – NOW is the time to buy get one FREE!
And here’s the link to the free Kindle reading software, for anyone wanting to read the book on their Mac, PC, iPad or Smartphone:
My aim with this promotion is to make a huge splash – by the end of it I should be wetter than… um… okay, I’ll let you finish off that sentence. In case there are children reading this. (In which case, Oi! It’s okay, you can carry on reading, but still – Oi!)
So. Wetter than a Welsh Wednesday, which in fact it is. Wednesday, that is, not Welsh or wet – I live in Perth Australia for gawd’s sake, we haven’t seen rain since the continents shifted. If water fell from the sky here, thousands would adopt religion on the spot.
Right. Went a bit off track there. Sorry ‘bout that.
This is what happened the last time I did a promotion for the book – during its launch on July 1st, 2011:

SO! I have a task for you, my minions…
In fact I have TWO tasks! (Yes, I am a demanding evil overlord. But my health plan is worth it.)
1) DOWNLOAD MY BOOK! If you haven’t already. Did I mention, it’s FREE? Hell, if you have got it already, get it again! Oh wait – Amazon doesn’t work that way. D’oh. Well then, tell someone else to get it instead.
Which leads me sneakily on to Mission Two:
2) TELL SOMEONE ELSE TO GET IN INSTEAD! What I’m getting at here is, spread the word people! You all know how utterly awesome my book is (unless you don’t, in which case let me tell you this: it is utterly awesome). Imagine how grateful your friends/family/pet gerbil/chemistry teacher/that nutter that always sits next to you on the bus will be, when you tell them about an awesome book they can download for free – and it will make them wet themselves!
*Note: certain species of Bus Nutter are already adept at wetting themselves, and should NOT be encouraged. Tell the driver instead.
To help you spread the word, I’ve put together a couple of Tweets and Facebook messages that you can copy-and-paste if you want – because I’m a lazy, lazy man, and I can’t exactly complain if my minions are the same, can I?
Best-selling #travel #comedy THAT BEAR ATE MY PANTS! by @TonyJamesSlater is FREE TODAY on #Kindle – grab it quick!
FACEBOOK (If you’re from the UK):
Hey everyone! My friend Tony James Slater has made his awesome book ‘THAT BEAR ATE MY PANTS!’ available for FREE on Amazon Kindle! It takes one click to download it and it’s pants-wettingly funny. Even if you haven’t got a Kindle, you can read it on any Mac or PC, iPad or smartphone with free Kindle software!
What are you waiting for? Here’s the link to Amazon:
FACEBOOK (US/Everywhere else):
Hey everyone! My friend Tony James Slater has made his awesome book ‘THAT BEAR ATE MY PANTS!’ available for FREE on Amazon Kindle! It takes one click to download it and it’s pants-wettingly funny. Even if you haven’t got a Kindle, you can read it on any Mac or PC, iPad or smartphone with free Kindle software!
What are you waiting for? Here’s the link to Amazon:
Please feel free to alter any of the above however you want, or tell people about the book in your own way – you can even send ‘em to this blog, like this:
‘Some idiot is rambling on about his book being free. Have a look if you can be arsed:‘
Right! Thanks for that folks! I mean it when I say, I really do appreciate all the help you give me. I’m literally doing this on my own otherwise, and honestly I don’t think I’d stand a chance.
The OTHER GOOD NEWS – is that, once this is over you’ll never have to worry about me pushing my book on you again! Because anyone who doesn’t get it when it’s free – well, there’s a good chance they just don’t want the damn thing. So rest easy folks! The end is in sight…
From next week: Business As Normal. So stay tuned for an exciting story about… ah, who the hell knows? I haven’t written it yet. Watch this space.
I love you all,
Ps. If you come late to this post and have missed the free days, go to the ‘Contact Me’ page and send me an email. If you ask me nicely I’ll probably send you a copy – because I’m nice like that and, ultimately, a sucker.
2 thoughts on “Something For Nothing”
I am one who got the book for free. I enjoyed it, and I looked forward every evening to being able to pick it up and read it. I laughed and cried along with you. And here I am looking to see if you have any other books in the works. Thank you for the informative and entertaining read. It was a great pleasure, and I’m sure I’ll read it again.
Barb, thank-you so much for telling me that! I’m really glad you enjoyed the book. I’m writing the next one at the moment, but it won’t be ready for a few months yet. If you’d like, I can send you an email and let you know when the book comes out?
Thanks again for taking the time to tell me you enjoyed the book. It really makes my day, to learn that someone is enjoying reading what I wrote!
Best wishes,