Hi folks!
It can’t have escaped your attention that Roo and I have, in fact, made it as far as America.
Oh yes! We are here, in the big US of A, doin’ what we do best!
Which mostly involves screwing up relatively simple things, like using cash machines at the airport. Seriously – don’t get me started on this one…
So when it comes to complex things, like the buying, registering and insuring of motor vehicles… suffice to say, we were meant to be in it now. First they couldn’t process my credit card, and then they could, and then they couldn’t deliver in time, and then they could, and then they couldn’t again… to say nothing of the trouble we’ve had getting our phone to work over here.
But you don’t care about that! What you want to know is, where are we now, and where are we going? And those questions are easily answered by this short video 🙂
For those of you who can’t be arsed watching us fanny around with maps the size of bed sheets, here’s the skinny:
We’ve started out in mid July, in southern California. Here’s how we progress from here…
Up to San Francisco by the end of this month, then on up to Portland, Oregon by August 5th. We press on up to Seattle for a week, leaving there around the 14th. We cross back down diagonally through Idaho around the 20th, arriving in Colorado around the 25th.
A brief stop in New Mexico is next, followed by a long drive across Texas, stopping in San Antonio and Houston. We make it to New Orleans by September 10th, and hope to make Florida by 16th.
We’ve got a sneaky little holiday scheduled in Miami around the 25th, after which we’ll be heading back up the East Coast through Georgia and South Carolina by the end of September.
October follows a steady progression north, through NC, Virginia, West Virginia and Maryland. A day or two off to explore New York, then we’ll be back on the road through Connecticut, Massachusetts (which I have finally learned to spell!) – and finishing our trip in New Hampshire around the end of the month.
Then all we have to do is figure out how we’re getting home…
Oh, and well the car, of course. A car which, at this point, we haven’t even got, yet…

Roo also wants me to mention that I now have a shiny now official MEDIA PAGE on my website. We’re trying to drum up media attention as we go, so any interested interviewers or other parties can be directed to this page: http://tonyjamesslater.com/home/media/ – from where they can download the awesome Press Kit that took me three days to create.
This is the definite downside to being your own boss…
Roo thinks the page lacks a little professionalism, on account of the octopus, but I’ll let you be the judge of that.
Oh, and before I go, I’d just like to say a quick, yet heartfelt THANK-YOU!!! To all of you, for following my travels, and for opening your homes to Roo and myself. It means the world to us (or at very least, the continental US) – and this trip simply wouldn’t be possible without you.
Roo and I will be blogging as we go, as will as trying to keep Facebook, Twitter and Instagram updated. If that sounds like a lot of work, that’s because IT IS!!! So hopefully you’ll understand if we fall behind here and there.
For anyone who fancies staying in touch on these various platforms, here’s the skinny:
Please do get in touch however you want, let us know when we’re coming into your area, and if anyone hears of a newspaper that might like to interview us, a radio station that is getting desperate on even a late night TV channel that no-one watches – please send them our way!
That’s all for now! Catch you folks soon… 🙂
Tony (and Roo too)
16 thoughts on “USA Trip Route”
Er….. Tony? I love the look of your planned itinerary and am dead jealous, but just a tad puzzled (unless I have missed an earlier post?) At no point on the itinerary do you mention Las Vegas, yet that picture of you and the lovely Roo appear to be in Freeman Street in “Glitter Gulch” Have I missed a post?
Best UK wishes
Steve Gillen
Hiya mate! Not missed anything – we were in Vegas when we filmed the video. I sort of left it out of the itinerary as we were leaving the next morning 😉
You’re going through Idaho? Awesome! Do you know precisely where yet? Maybe I’ll see you!
Hi Kenya! I think we’re coming through around 23rd – 26th, some of that time we’re staying with people, some time driving. Whereabouts are you?
I think the octopus adds a little class!
Thanks for the update, I’ve got some lines in the water for speaking gigs.. and once those are sorted, then I’ll contact the news outlets to ‘announce ‘ it!
::fingers crossed::!
See you soonish <3
PS: It’s Spo-CAN.. 😉
Surely it’s Spo-KANE? Or Spo-Kanye… 😉
Sweet! Can’t wait! And thanks for all the work your doing up there! 🙂
Hi Roo and Tony.
Sounds like another brilliant trip. I’m just over half way through Shave My Spider and I’m really enjoying it. I’ll be taking it with me on Friday as I’m booked to have my little finger joint replaced at Southampton General Hospital so this book will keep my nerves away. Mind you it does get a bit embarresing as one has to be wheeled all along the corridors to the theater. I work there you see and everybody you don’t want to see one see’s. Anyway you both take care and Tony if Roo says no it’s probably a good idea to take notice of her.
With best wishes.
Sue Hill
Hi Sue! Glad you’re enjoying the book – hope you don’t get the giggles while you’re passing the cancer ward… could be a tad awkward!
I’m sure your colleagues will be VERY professional about having you at their mercy… BWAH HA HA HAAA!
No, just kidding – you’ll be hearing about that day forever 😉
Tony, when do you anticipate being in the Houston area? I don’t want to miss out on an opportunity to say hi…or offer a place to stay if needed.
Hi Sue! We should be in Houston around the 7/8 September. Never sure how things will work out that far in advance though! We’re booked in to stay with a few people already, but keep an eye on Facebook – when we’re on our way, I’ll be putting up a post about it! 😉
I’m in New Hampshire if you want a tour of the State House. :o) Welcome and I’d love to at least get a hug from Roo!
We’ll be there in early November… send me an email if you want, to Tony@TonyJamesSlater.com. We’ve booked all our stays with people, but it’d be cool to meet up for dinner or a drink! And Roo loves hugs 😉
By the way, your books are a DELIGHT.
THANK-YOU!!! I really appreciate that!! Feel free to leave a ridiculously glowing review, and tell your mates 😉