Sick of people going on about New Year’s Resolutions yet? No? Well of course not, because most people stopped making them at age 12. In spite of this I’ve decided to continue the tradition – but being me, I make a more… alternative kind of resolution. I also waited until half way through January to make them, to give myself time to recover from New Year. That way I could be sure they were true and honest, and not written out of any knee-jerk sentimental idealism. Here’s my aims for 2012:
1) Drown Fewer Bandicoots:
Just because an animal is stupid doesn’t mean it should be allowed to die. Otherwise I’d have no friends left at all.
(Ow! Stop hitting me!)
Seriously though, we have an issue with our pond – it’s so tempting for bandicoots that they throw themselves in with great enthusiasm, completely disregarding the fact that they can’t swim. No wonder they’re endangered.
Roo was making a lovely list of sightings to report to the Dept. of Conservation, until sighting #14 was stiff, smelly and floating.
‘Dear DoC,
Please find enclosed a report on the bandicoot that was living under my verandah until about 2 o clock this morning when he decided to go for a swim. He is now living in a plastic carrier bag in my bin. Not sure what the official number of them left in the wild is, but please deduct 1 from the total. If you’re looking to wipe out any more of the little critters just send ‘em this way.’
Your friends in Conservation,
Tony and Krista
2) Harass more Pro-Bloggers:
Because they secretly rule the world. Not the politic-y type bit of it, which is boring bullshit anyway, but the bit that matters. They’re the new black. No, not even that is cool enough – they’re the new ninjas. Everyone wants to be one. Except me, thank God! Imagine if I wrote this crap full-time. I’d have people suing me for making their brains dribble out of their ears (and staining their best shirts in the process).
Instead I will poke fun at these paragons of the digital realm, these gate-keepers of all that is good. You never know – I might get a rise out of one of them, and they’re usually far too nice to call the police. Might even sell a few books…
3) Get naked more.
Because you love it. Yeah y’ do. Here’s why:

4) Take more photos of Random Shit:
I’m not a camera carrier. I lived for a year in Thailand and only took one photo. I’ve quite literally destroyed more cameras than I’ve owned (sorry Roo, Gill, Dad….)
Anyhoo. I do see a lot of odd stuff on my travels and it’s about time I photographed some of it. Especially now I have a shock-proof, water-proof, snowboarding-over-proof camera (which I leave at home because it was expensive) and a good phone (which I leave at home because it doesn’t work in Australia). By way of an example, here’s some stuff I saw in the bargain bins whilst out shopping yesterday:
Some rather expensive trinkets:
‘nuff said. And more photos means less words for me to write and you to read – basically, everybody wins.
5) I WILL dress up like a woman. Because that’s also popular.
6) I WILL NOT dress up like a gay ninja. Reason is self-explanatory. Well, that AND – they might get me…
7) I WILL try to do more crazy shit. I’m not promising I’ll manage anything as crazy as this:

But you know how I roll. It’s bound to be fun :0)
So! Your Alternative New Year’s Resolutions? In the comments of you please!
6 thoughts on “Alternative New Year Resolutions”
Errrrm, aren’t you a friend to Pro-bloggers now? 😉 scratch 1 from new years resolutions!!!!
Good luck Tony.
Well, we’ll see how that goes. I just turned in my first piece and I think they’ve been up most of the night censoring it… I really have to stop relying on bum and fart jokes for my humour :0)
You’re absolutely mental! haha… number 6 is the best dude.
I have spent my whole life wanting to be a ninja. It’s a dream that isn’t getting much closer to happening, because not only am I incredibly loud and ridiculously clumsy, I have a bad habit of doing ‘the little teapot’ pose in photos… That’s the real tragedy. This wasn’t supposed to be a gay ninja pose, just a regular ninja. Then I saw the pic… come on, how’s a guy meant to look tough with a stocking on his head??
LOL LOL Mr Slater! 😉
GOT NINJA??? Um… nope.